JoS and Demonology

People who say that the Joy of Satan has no knowledge of Demonology, have close to 0 knowledge about this subject. The Gods do not answer them and the only beings that show up are the enemy (Jewish angels), or schizophrenic hallucinations of their own wretched minds. All the points they make are easily refuted with at least a basic, or moderate knowledge of our teachings, and thousands of written, elaborated articles on this subject.

The points they make about the Egyptian deities are very important to see for what they are... they have absolutely no idea what they are talking about, because the Egyptian mythological stories and in all the cultures have an allegorical meaning, and were never meant to be taken literally. They are spiritual allegories.

Origins of Satanism

The Dagon and Zagon point is equally worthless. The similarity in names is not the solid point for how the JoS has researched and documented the Demons; it was much more in-depth than that.

Demons, the Gods of Hell

What's interesting is that the mythology is only different on the flattest level it could be, just words. When you advance spiritually, to be able to understand mythos as allegory is a mark of advancement. Those people who “expose” JoS clearly aren’t advanced. They exist on the lower levels of consciousness.

For example, they talk about how Set cut Osiris into pieces as a means of disproving that both of them can’t be Goetic Demons. Osiris was cut into 33 prices and is a dying and a rising God who was resuscitated after Thoth made a clay penis with Isis and Nephthys. An ordinary non-advanced person would take this at face value, a story about murder and betrayal, and power imbalance.

A person worth their salt, an advanced person, understands this as an allegory of the Magnum Opus: there is the dark night stage, the proverbial death so to speak, along the way to immortality, e.g., death (a stage of transformation) occurring. In order to live forever and to secrete the elixir of life, you must cycle sexual energy through your chakras, e.g., the penis, and resuscitation happening shortly after. Osiris was cut into 33 prices - the same number of vertebrae in the spine (where Kundalini energy rises).1

Knowing this and seeing as those people don’t, they prove our point that they are unknowledgeable.


1 Vidian