Identity of Satan

People who are “exposing” the Joy of Satan Ministries LOVE to lie about the identity of Satan. They are claiming that Satan is an Abrahamic being from the Jewish religion.

Everyone should check this out

Note in the upper northwest corner of the map of India, the name of the town "Satana."

"Satnam" and "Sa Ta Na Ma" are sacred mantras used in kundalini (serpent) meditation. The five primal sounds in Ancient Sanskrit, one of the oldest known languages are "SA-TA-NA-MA." "Sa" means birth; "Ta" means life; "Na" means death; and "Ma" means rebirth.1

All variations of the name "SATAN" mean TRUTH in Sanskrit, which is one of the world's oldest and most ancient of languages.2

In Sanskrit writing, सत नम = SATA NAMA
(Keep in mind - the word "Sata" is also spelled "Satya")
nāma—the holy name of the Lord

So, SATANAMA also means "The Holy Name of the Lord of Eternal Truth". When translated to English, the vowels can also be shortened to just Satnam (which is also one of the holiest mantras in kundalini yoga).

Even the Jews themselves know that Satan is indeed the Sanskrit Sata (Eternity, Truth). The Kabbalistic text of the Jews - the Sepher Ha Bahir, calls Satan - SATA.

All of this has to do with the kundalini life force (the serpent) within us. "Jacob's coat of colors" in the bible is the aura. The number seven refers to the seven chakras. The interpreters of the old grimoires have it all wrong about the "seven planets." The ancients knew much more than they're given credit for regarding astronomy.3

"Satya is the original name of the ancient primordial religion. In the original language of Sanskrit, SATA is the highest name of God. This is also spelled SATAN in Sanskrit which means 100 which is the number of the sun, existence, enlightenment, and the crown chakra which is the God chakra in Hinduism, the crown chakra is called Guru meaning the remover of darkness, God, the enlightener. The opening of this center with this mantra SATANAMA in Kundalini yoga brings superconscious awareness. There are Hindus that have SATAN as their spiritual surname in India. SATA is the name of the Logos, and SATA is the original Name of God in the cosmic, universal sense. This is why SATANAMA is the highest mantra in Hinduism. Its paying homage to SATA the highest NAMA [Name] of God. Sat is fully spelled SATA in Sanskrit. The T letter has the A on the end. SATAN means Saviour in Sanskrit as well. The name of the serpent energy that transforms the soul into the gold thus perfecting the light body which is to be made whole or saved in the ancient teachings of serpent yoga." 4

Why SATAN is the highest name of God:

"From Sat [Sata] springs forth energy, which manifests itself in the form of an elementary vibration that can be compared to a primordial sound nada. It is from this vibration that the boundary point, bindu issues. -Sharadatilak1.7 This is describing the principles of existence for the entire Cosmos." 5

"SATAN is the name of God in the macrocosm of the universe and within the Microcosm of the soul. SATAN is also the name of the physical God that as the Sumerians stated created the Gentiles. The Sumerian's called ENKI, SATAN as well. This is why the Yezidhis who were part of this civilization still call their God, SATAN. The Yezidhis still practice rituals found on ancient Assyrian reliefs. The Yezidhis also state they came out of India around three thousand years ago. And they still call the Sun, Shammash, the Sumerian, Babylonia name of the Sun God. Their calendar is seven thousand years old much older than the Jewish one. This proves again SATAN predates Judaism by thousands of years as God." 6

"That is why the Jewish Rabbis call Gentiles SATAN's, its because SATAN gave us our soul which is ethereal within the DNA of which we come from His blood as well. It's metagenetic." 7

Satan Was God Over Egypt 8
"In the earliest Dynasties of Egypt Sat or Sata, Satan was king over all the Gods. As known in Sanskrit Sata also spelled Satan is the name of the highest God and called the savior God. This was also the case in ancient Egypt." 9

From the ancient Egyptian text the Papyrus of Nu we find something important.

Papyrus of Nu: "I am the serpent Sata whose years are many. I die and I am born again each day. I am the serpent Sata which dwelleth in the uttermost parts of the earth. I die, and I am born again, and I renew myself, and I grow young each day." 10

"In Egypt Sata is the serpent of the Taut which is the milky way galaxy. Which is the symbol of the savior God and called the serpent rope to the ancient serpent cultures. It's also related to Orion. It's the symbol of the serpent energy flowing through the spine and soul." 11

"[my note Sata] He embodied immortality and was the "son of the Earth" reborn each day from the womb of the Great Mother." 12


1 Yogapedia - "Sa Ta Na Ma"

2 A Concise Dictionary of Indian Philosophy Sanskrit Terms Defined in English - Pages 288-290

3 Name of Satan

4 SATAN Is The Original Name Of Godhead

5 Ibid.

6 Ibid.

7 Ibid.

8 Satan Was God Over Egypt

9 Christ In Egypt, D.M. Murdock

10 Ibid.

11 The Serpent Grail, Philip Gardiner, and Gary Osborn

12 Ibid.